Human mind, A strange creature

The human mind is a strange creature
It forgets the things you would want to remember
To the things you want it to forget, it remembers.
The mind reminds you of your countless problems
Even when you may wish to forget them,
your mind goes over to recount every detail of your problem.
The mind is a respecter of no law
It breaks every resolution to forgiveness
Like records, it replays the injuries received from others.
The mind seeks no consent in suggesting revenge
It engages you in the act of anger and frustration
At other times, it forgets to remind you of the good deeds of others towards you.
The mind generates problems and worries at will
It may be deceitful towards gratitude and appreciation
Put your mind into check
Take time to define your worries and difficulties
Take them to the Lord in prayers
With prayers and hard work, you will take charge of your mind.
Prisca Onyinye Nwokorie is a  Roman Catholic Nun. She belongs to the religious order of “Oblates of St. Benedict Joseph Labre” in Italy. She is a graduate of the University of Bari where she obtained her Bachelor's and Masters' degrees in “Information and Communication Technologies for the Production of Software” and “Computer Science” respectively. Currently, she is carrying out research work on “E-learning for Developing Countries”.

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