The rainbow across the sky

A rainbow curves across the sky
In it, each colour blends smoothly into the next
You cannot tell where one ends
It is difficult to tell where the next begins.
A rainbow seems to come from nowhere
It has its beginning from the sun's light
Its light is bright and white
It is a blend of multiple ray colours.
The world by day is full of colours and brightness
The light is the only source of illumination in the world
Without light, nothing has any colour and look
Daylight fades, colours also fades from the world.
Christ is the light of God's creation
His light reflects in our life by day and by night
The rays from His light is divine
His divinity is like a rainbow.
Prisca Onyinye Nwokorie is a  Roman Catholic Nun. She belongs to the religious order of “Oblates of St. Benedict Joseph Labre” in Italy. She is a graduate of the University of Bari where she obtained her Bachelor's and Masters' degrees in “Information and Communication Technologies for the Production of Software” and “Computer Science” respectively. Currently, she is carrying out research work on “E-learning for Developing Countries”.

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