I live in a world full of conflict
A battlefield is my world
Like a nation with many cities
Like a house with many doors

Within this world of mine as well as yours
I found the proud and the humble
The weak and strong
The loved and the dejected

A single word in the plural
Full of conflict within
Little pleasure to enjoy
Nothing in it lasts forever

Everyone has a conflict
It's not just about personality
Whatever is wrong in us must be sought within us
It is part of human existence

A mysterious world indeed
Where a sinner desires to be a saint
A saint struggles to remain holy
Few have no zeal for the struggle

If poverty were the cause of the way we are
Then the rich should be paragons of virtue
But the poor are unhappy and lament
The rich also cry; they are not at peace

The world is beautiful
Heaven is better
Discover God in all you do
A joy like a river will flow in your soul

My desire is to rest in God
In Him my soul find rest
O God help me. Come to my rescue
You are my one desire

Prisca Onyinye Nwokorie is a  Roman Catholic Nun. She belongs to the religious order of “Oblates of St. Benedict Joseph Labre” in Italy. She is a graduate of the University of Bari where she obtained her Bachelor's and Masters' degrees in “Information and Communication Technologies for the Production of Software” and “Computer Science” respectively. Currently, she is carrying out research work on “E-learning for Developing Countries”.


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