Never hurt me by little stings

A little carefulness would have saved the situation with Martha on the plane of her catastrophic end. Perhaps it would have come in the opposite. Who knows? It might be that it is out of design. But whatever happens, a little application of shyness may have made a difference. However, it is too late now.

Gerald guaranteed faithful love to Martha when they married newly. Who would have believed that such a man full of life can afford to live a life devoid of conjugal activities in another side of the world where nobody watches him, just because of a pledged love_ it seemed all joke when he said it first. Little did either of them think that it will linger in their minds. For Gerald, however, it means life and hurdles enclosed therein. How he was able to live with it all through his stay in America remains a mystery, but testimony sufficed it.

Martha as it were, was the main thrust of our discourse. She was an alluring type. She was gifted in terms of physical beauty. It will not be an overstatement to assert that she stood-out in the gathering of beautiful ladies around her area. Her fair skin was just a blend attribution to what nature gives. She was mannered and intelligently composed. A lot of things can be said as to the reason why Gerald “sold all he had for the hidden treasured”. Her reserved nature endeared her so much to him that he deigns it worthwhile to take her to wherever he goes while he was at home. Fortunately, he could afford most of their daily needs. The moments they were together were distinguished and gallant. They shared pleasurable moments. Now it became clear why Gerald was able to keep to his promise of remaining and reserving for her. He could not bear the thought of having another woman(for him inferior) to share his love for Martha – a beauty made-man. Life outside of Martha for him is senseless. His longing was only the day they will reunite. Probably, he will carry her home on his hands. But such time did not come again. What a real pity!

Martha, however, found life outside of Gerald a real bore. Oftentimes, she wakes up at night only to discover that Gerald was not at her side on the bed. It grieved her much but before long she came to improve on the inevitable. She was after her daily business with perfect resignation to keep their love for each other. A lot of side-attractions affected her; not least, the constant approaches for the younger brother to Gerald - Ken. It was a real challenge to her resolution.

Ken who was handsomely built, tried as much as he could to make Martha at home after the travel of his elder brother Gerald. He was a caring type and can be humorous when he wants. You cannot but listen to any tale that comes out of his mouth. He bought a Brand new Mercedes 200 shortly before Gowdin travelled. He used this only when he travels for leisure. Other times saw him with his former Nissan Blue Bird. He has shown a great love for this new car that he can at times, wash it himself though he had younger once who can comfortably do that for him. Martha came to like him for his seeming humility. She had consented following Ken whenever he wants to make a pleasure trip. They are always together with a pure mind at first. But the devil will not allow things to continue moving well in its climax.

Without really willing it, they had become inseparable. No one suspected any odd thing going on between them. However strong-willed Martha was, she hesitantly submits to Ken’s pressure. Before this ugly event, Gerald had phoned in the third year of his likely return in three months. Martha started making a tremendous effort to disentangle herself from the clutches of luring Ken. She could have made it save for dizziness that befell her that created opportunity for Ken to have his way. Martha was unable to resist the powerful approaches Ken was making.

A month later, Martha announced her imminent pregnancy to Ken, who in his confusion and dismay, outrageously hit her after many persuasions to recant from putting the blames on him. Martha felt sorry for the betrayal of her love for Gerald. In tears and pains, she looked at Ken without comment. A voice spoke to Martha and said: “My child, in acceptance lies peace. Let your restless worries cease. If this is His choice for you, take it and be glad. Cease from sighs and weeping. God will take control. Do not fear the cutting knife. Do not shrink in pain. Let the red drops of your life fall like bleeding rain. That which you give to death is the seed which yet shall live. Everything laid down to death waits for a resurrection birth. Let the flower of your love drop!”. As the voice ceased to speak, Martha fell in Ken’s feet and gave up the ghost.

Prisca Onyinye Nwokorie is a  Roman Catholic nun. She belongs to the religious order of “Oblates of St. Benedict Joseph Labre” in Italy. She is a graduate of the University of Bari where she obtained her Bachelor’s and Masters’ degrees in “Information and Communication Technologies for the Production of Software” and “Computer Science” respectively. Currently, she is carrying out research work on “E-learning for Developing Countries”.

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