Locate me now that I am here
Don't wait till I am gone
To let the world know your thoughts about me
Now that I am still with you
Let's celebrate together

Don't wait till I am gone
To weep instead of celebrating
To tell the world about the 'me' unknown to me
A friend I may not have known
A genius I never thought of in my existence

If you want to acknowledge me
Why wait till I am gone
Allow me to know your feelings about me
A comforting word may suit my pains
A smile from you may sustain me

Now that you have the opportunity
Why not share your time with me
Even if for a few minutes
To share memories of the past
While life goes on

Why have you chosen the last minute
When my eyes will be closed in death
Then, I will be on the other side of the river
To rest in peace with my God
It will be too late for you

I need just a smile from you
To attentively listen to your voice
To whisper into your ears how I love you
Now that I am still here
Allow me to share memories with you

Celebrate with me while the sun shines
Not when darkness has taken over
When you can neither hear my voice nor dine with me
When only my pictures will remind you about me
Think about it. I need an answer

Why prefer to talk about me when I am gone
You still have time to locate me
There is still time for us to celebrate
Let's appreciate one another
Let's fix a date to celebrate before the sunset

Prisca Onyinye Nwokorie is a  Roman Catholic Nun. She belongs to the religious order of “Oblates of St. Benedict Joseph Labre” in Italy. She is a graduate of the University of Bari where she obtained her Bachelor's and Masters' degrees in “Information and Communication Technologies for the Production of Software” and “Computer Science” respectively. Currently, she is carrying out research work on “E-learning for Developing Countries”.

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